Xiaomu Li2022-10-17 Great experience! Love the food and service. Really enjoyed ourvstay there, highly recommend Jing Zheng2022-10-15 来了解月子中心情况,工作人员专业热情,讲解详细。月子餐试餐很好吃,是单独的厨房做出来的,很新鲜,口味也不错,不是那种没有味道的。 窄油阁阁2022-10-14 住了28天,月子里恢复的很舒服,护理师非常专业有耐心,教了我很多育儿知识,比随便找月嫂放心很多 月子餐很好吃也很健康,每天都吃的很饱,身体还瘦了~还可以给老公点餐,也是月子餐标准,价格也便宜,这个月吃的很舒服~ Linda Li2022-09-27 I had a very joyful experience with 英皇confinement Inc. I had an urgent service request, they helped me to process the request immediately. They arranged a Chinese doctor to check on my status and follow up, the doctor adjusted the diet according to my health condition, and my recovery is very 👍. The delivery team is very sweet, they delivered the food directly to my door and msg the arrival immediately. The customer service team is very kind, always responded on time and gave feedback immediately. Great appreciation to the whole team, definitely I will recommend this confinement to my friends. DV S2022-09-10 We went here for the confinement meal tasting and was treated professionally by the staff there. She explained how the monthly plan works, and we tried the meals — the restaurant was clean, neat, and food tasted great. Amount was good as well for both lunch, dinner, and dessert. Good ingredients for postpartum. Jenny Zhang2022-09-08 Highly recommend. Everything is clean and the service is professional.The food the fantastic! Zhang Xiaohan2022-08-28 试了很多家月子餐,最后选择英皇。菜品味道好,客服回复及时,推荐! L. Ye2022-07-12 我是第一胎高龄妈妈。怀孕的时候,一直很期待来英皇做月子,希望自己和宝宝在产后最关键的时候得到安全可靠专业的照顾。 调理方面:来了英皇之后,英皇的确没有让我失望!经过英皇安排的中医师问诊,根据我体质问题制定的月子餐服务,让我在月子期间,排便通畅,伤口愈合很快,孕期里面的问题都完全消失,还一直帮我补养身体,活血化淤,有助于产奶。短短4周,我明显瘦了,自我感觉良好,恢复不错。 照顾方面:我对英皇的安排给我早晚班经验丰富而且负责任的护理师非常满意。英皇特色是护理师是有医护背景。这样的特色在平时的护理点点滴滴中可以完全体现出来。我能够感受到她们的专业,有条不紊,热心加细心地照顾宝宝。护理师会根据宝宝自身的情况,恰如其分照顾。我学到很多知识细节,受益非浅,事半功倍。也因为这样,我精神上也得到更好休息,对我恢复更加有效。而且宝爸也在月子期间解放出来,不用围着我和宝宝24小时转,可以养精蓄锐为出月子后的照顾续存能量。 Ryan Freemason2022-06-18 Very friendly staff and an informative tour. Delicious food, lots of variety from soups, rices, meats, fish and vegetables. Tasty and I bet quite nutritious. They have some great Chinese delicacies that aren’t found everywhereLoad moreGoogle rating score: 4.8 of 5, based on 51 reviews
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