Experience the healing benefits of postpartum confinement in the comfort of your own home

Enjoy all of the benefits of a traditional postpartum stay in the comfort of your own home

Enjoy the same personal service, from our team of support staff without staying in one of our suites


      • Work with private & dedicated personal support staff who will provide care and housekeeping. Choose either 10-hour or 24-hour support schedules
      • Before giving birth we will provide a list of items to prepare and do a home visit to introduce your support staff, walk through your home, and help you arrange your hospital bag, to make sure you are ready for your baby’s arrival.
      • Our staff will arrive before you return from the hospital to clean and sanitize your home, and greet you on your arrival to help you and your new family member settle in for your stay.
      • We prepare daily nutritious meals in our commercial kitchen and deliver them to your suite
      • We help you establish a routine for your new baby to help them adjust to their new life with the family
      • We offer childcare classes and guidance through restorative physical exercises like yoga
Postpartum At Home Care